Re: Internet Worm

David Miller (
Mon, 17 Oct 1994 16:17:55 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 17 Oct 1994, Steve Davis wrote:

> Various methods of making users' and administrators' lives a pain
> deleted.
> Brett Lymn writes:
> > This should stop the user creating a .rhosts file as there is a
> > directory there with that name.  
> Seems to me that we would all be better served by running daemons that
> don't trust the user to determine valid remote authentication.  Why not
> fix the r-daemons and login to ignore these files?  This is certainly
> possible if a) you have source, and b) you're a competant enough
> programmer to #ifdef the necessary bits of code into oblivion.

If you're going to do that, why not just remove the services?  Take them 
out of etc/services and inetd.conf and your problems will all go away:)

What's that you say?  A user can put up the services on his own, just on 
ports > 1024? 

DRAT!  There's always a catch. :)

> Unfortunatly, a) is rarely true.  It'd be nice if vendors would ship
> their products secure.
> -- 
>                                              Steve Davis <>
>                                                      Kansas State University

		It's *amazing* what one can accomplish when 
		    one doesn't know what one can't do!